Just as the Composition Program has many diverse but interrelated, integrated and yet interdependent elements, so also do the faculty members in the composition program have a wide range of related but distinct research interests. These interests include but aren't limited to community literacy, computers and writing, creative nonfiction, cultural studies, composition pedagogy, rhetorical and critical theory, multimodal and multigenre writing, and writing across the curriculum.
Sara Abdellatif
- CO 150 instructor
Shema Akter
- CO150 Instructor
Jenny Albright
- Instructor
Timothy Amidon
- Associate Professor of Digital Rhetoric
- Director Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Programs
Yanni Angelis
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
Grant Bain
- Senior Instructor
- First-Year Composition Administrator
Hannah Barnhart
- Instructor in Composition
Kelly Bradbury
- Associate Professor
- Director, gtPathways Writing Integration Initiative
- Director, TILT Graduate Student Teaching Certificate of Completion
- Upper-Division Composition Administrator
Mark Bresnan
- Senior Instructor
Lindsay Brookshier
- Senior Instructor
- Upper-Division Composition Administrator
Ryan Campbell
- Senior Instructor
Genesea M. Carter
- Associate Director of Composition
- Associate Professor
Virginia Chaffee
- Senior Instructor
Doug Cloud
- Associate Professor
Maia Coen
- CO150 Instructor
Thomas Conway
- Master Instructor
- Assistant Chair
Tiffany Daigle
- Adjunct Instructor in Composition
Ashley Davies
- Master Instructor
Leslie Davis
- Senior Instructor
- Associate Director
Kiley Dickerson
- Senior Instructor
- First-Year Composition Administrator
Sue Doe
- Professor, Executive Director of The Institute for Learning and Teaching Director of the Center for the Study of Academic Labor
Christine Doe
- CO 150 Instructor
cookie egret
- Composition Specialist,
- Assistant Researcher
Ted Fabiano
- Composition Instructor
Jake Friedman
- CO150 Instructor
Devon Fulford
- Senior Instructor
Annie Halseth
- Assistant Director of the CSU Writing Center
William Hutchinson
- MFA Candidate: Fiction, Instructor: CO150
Maurice Irvin
- Senior Instructor
Tobi Jacobi
- Professor
- Assistant Chair, English
- Director of Community Literacy Center
John Kneisley
- Instructor
Autumn Koors-Foltz
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
Michael Lamb
- Instructor, Internship Coordinator
Lisa Langstraat
- Associate Professor
Ed Lessor
- Master Instructor
Carrie Lovell
- CO 150 Instructor
Mitchell Macrae
- Instructor
Miriam Macrae
- Instructor
Luciana Marques
- Instructor of Linguistics and Composition
David Martinez
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
Dana Masden
- Master Instructor
Jesse McLain
- Instructor
Bel Mercado
- Composition 150 Instructor
Karen Montgomery Moore
- Senior Instructor
Rosa Nam
- Assistant Professor
Meghan Newman
- CO150 Instructor
Bryce M. O'Tierney
- Instructor
Edwin Owade
- CO150 Instructor
Ainhoa Palacios
- CO150 Instructor
- E210 Instructor
Andy Parker
- CO150 Instructor
Elizabeth Pedrotti
- Instructor in Composition
Sam Peters
- CO150 Instructor
Erin Peters
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
slp (sarah louise) pieplow
- Senior Instructor
Jeremy Proctor
- Master Instructor
Liz Ramirez
- CO150 Instructor
Catherine Ratliff
- Senior Instructor
- Director, Composition Placement
- Associate Editor, Academic Labor: Research and Artistry
Cody Reed
- CO150 Instructor
James Roller
- Senior Instructor
Todd Ruecker
- Director of University Composition Program
Danny Saldana
- Composition 150 Instructor
Joe Schicke
- Instructor
Navya Sharma
- CO150 Instructor
Natalia Sperry
- CO150 Instructor
Sarah Stambaugh
- CO150 Instructor
Elizabeth Steinway
- Instructor
Jamie Suto
- CO-150 Instructor
Christina Sutton
- Senior Instructor
Michelle Tedford
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
Mika Todd
- CO150 Instructor
Tyler Toy
- Instructor
Kaes Vanderspek
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
Debra Walker
- Senior Instructor
Sean Waters
- Senior Instructor
Aly Welker
- Master Instructor
- Online Coordinator
- Assistant Director of UD Composition
- CO150 Instructor
Nancy Wright
- Master Instructor