Welcome to Fall Semester!
- Harvard Review has taken 3 of Dan Beachy-Quick’s poems, and The Nation has accepted one. A suite of short essays from A Quiet Book will also be appearing in the next Mississippi Review.
- Leslee Becker’s “Terrier,” a story that originally appeared in The Kenyon Review, has been published by Redux. Leslee’s story collection, The Little Gentleman, received the Runner-Up Award from Snake Nation Press, and was named a Finalist for the Hudson Prize from Black Lawrence Press.
- Matthew Cooperman has had new poems accepted by Word/for Word and Ampersand Review. In June, he attended the ASLE Conference at the University of Idaho, where he presented a paper, “Whether Underground: Notes Toward a Larimer County Almanac.” Work from that project has been accepted for publication in Big Oil: An Anthology of Global Warming, forthcoming from BlazeVox.
- Over the summer Camille Dungy published a creative nonfiction essay in the Virginia Quarterly Review (“Inherent Risk, or What I Know About Investment”), another essay in the New England Review (“A Shade North of Ordinary”) and a poem in Orion (“Frequently Asked Questions: 6″)
- Airica Parker was privileged to reconnect with Wendy Videlock, Art Goodtimes, David Rothman, Uche Ogbuji, and a small group of other Coloradan thinkers, writers, and community leaders for a retreat in Breckenridge this summer. Also, one of her short poems appears in the current issue of Fungi magazine, Vol. 8 No.2. Speaking of short poems, an invitation: Airica edits an online community, Postcard Poems (https://www.facebook.com/postcardpoems), and she would love to feature some CSU poets, Airica.Parker@colostate.edu.
- Dan Robinson will be reading from his newly released novel, Death of a Century, at Old Firehouse Books on Wednesday, September 2, at 6:00 PM.
- Sasha Steensen’s fourth book of poetry, Gatherest, was accepted for publication with Ahshata Press. West Branch published seven poems from her ongoing project, Hendes, in their Spring/ Summer issue. An interview conducted with Joshua Marie Wilkinson was published in The Letter Machine Book of Interviews. “Poems for Lent” was published in the anthology A Book of Uncommon Prayer. “In Quiet,” a collaboration with Elizabeth Robinson, published recently in Likestarlings, can be read here: http://www.likestarlings.com/poems/elizabeth-robinson-sasha-steensen1/
- Inspired by themes from Bill Tremblay’s novel, THE JUNE RISE, the Fort Collins Chamber Music Society will perform an original musical piece written on commission by Glenn Cortese, conductor of the Greeley Philharmonic. Briana Sprecher-Kinneer will read selections from the book under the title “The Story of Antoine Janis and First Elk Woman.” The performance will be at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, 9:15 PM, in the Digital Dome [2nd floor] on Thursday, August 27, 2015. The concert is funded by Fort Fund, the Griffin Foundation, and Marilyn Cockburn. Musicians: Liz Telling, (oboe), Lola Kern, (violin), Amber Johnson, (cello), Ben Durfee, (viola), Madeline Greeb, (piano), Cille Lutsch, (flute), and Briana Sprecher-Kinneer, (voice).
- James Work has signed a contract with FiveStar Publishing to publish his novel THE CONTRACTOR, based on a murder that took place during the construction of the Union Pacific railroad through Wyoming. FiveStar has also accepted the manuscript of a novel titled THE GRUB RIDER, which will be published as #6 in the Keystone Ranch series. Each novel in the series is based upon a segment of the King Arthur tales. THE GRUB RIDER, set in Wyoming, uses the narrative of Sir Gareth, one of King Arthur’s nephews, on his first heroic quest.
English Department Office Hours
The English Office hours are 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (closed during lunch, 12:00-1:00 p.m.).
The Writing Center, Fall Hours – beginning August 31st
Monday-Thursday, Eddy Room 25
Friday -10-1pm (online consultations only)
Morgan Library
Sunday-Thursday – 6-8pm
Eddy 300 Computer Lab
Monday – Friday 7:30-10pm
Saturday 8-6pm
Sunday 10-6pm
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