- Leslee Becker has been named a Finalist for the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Award in Short Stories.
- Doug Cloud’s co-authored essay, “How People Make Sense of Trump and Why It Matters for Racial Justice” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric. It should be out in November or December.
- A number of current and former English Dept faculty and students read at the Fort Collins Book Festival. John Calderazzo led a nonfiction workshop, Sue Ring deRossett led a fiction workshop, and Sasha Steensen led a poetry workshop. The Poetry Lounge Reading featured Sue Ring deRossett, Bill Tremblay, Chloe Leisure, Khadijah Queen and Matthew Cooperman, at Wolverine Farm Publick House. The Listening Room fiction/nonfiction reading featured Leslee Becker, Christopher David Rosales, Blair Oliver and Junior Burke, at Wolverine Farm Publick House. And finally, the Deep Tracks Poetry reading featured Sasha Steensen, Kate Northrup, Lisa Zimmerman and Aby Kaupang, also at Wolverine Farm Publick House. More information on the festival can be found at https://www.focobookfest.org/schedule/
- Sarah Louise Pieplow’s poem “What we say” is published in the current issue of Bear Review. You can find it under her publishing name, slp.
- Kristina Quynn’s co-edited collection of essays, Reading and Writing Experimental Texts: Critical Innovations, was released this week by Palgrave/Macmillan. The collection offers innovative approaches to contemporary literary criticism and includes feminist and queer readings of avant-garde twentieth- and twenty-first-century texts. http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783319583617
- Last weekend James Rankin presented his paper titled “Sex, Punishment, and the Body Politic: Blood and Moral Agency in Measure for Measure” at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association’s conference in Spokane, WA.
Student Writing Group
Do you have writing that needs to be workshopped by fellow writers? Do you want an informal environment of people who can help? My name is Kenna Castleberry, and I may be able to help you out. I’m hoping to start a student writing group (no more than 7 people) to meet up once a week or so and swap and discuss our writing. I’m flexible on timing as well as genres. If you have some work that needs to be workshopped, please contact me via email: kcastle@rams.colostate.edu. Thanks, fellow wordsmiths!
Campus Equity Week
Activities planned for Monday, October 30th include:
- 9:40 am, “Chalk and Talk,” a student engagement activity on the plaza with ART100 students taking the role of the artist working in a public space with statements addressing “the importance of academic freedom in a democratic society.” GTAs from English will work with ART100 students to assist with statement construction which will be edited and chalked on the plaza adjacent to the Lory Student Center. CO150 students and their teachers will participate in reviewing, discussing, and responding to the chalk art.
- 5:00 PM Directions Gallery, Visual Art Building, opening remarks for Honor the Precariat, art installation commenting on the role of NTTF at CSU.
- 5:30 PM opening remarks in the Electronic Art Gallery, Visual Art Building for a monologue performance addressing issues of contingency.
- The Center for the Study of Academic Labor will host a reception in the Visual Arts Building in conjunction with the 5:00 and 5:30 remarks.
Activities planned for Tuesday, October 31st at CSU to celebrate the national day of action include:
- 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM, Morgan Library Events Hall. AAUP will host a Brown Bag Panel Discussion on NTTF issues, most likely focusing on questions and comments regarding the pending CoNTTF proposal. Participants include:
- Rick Miranda (Provost)
- Stephen Mumme (AAUP, Colorado)
- Jenny Morse (CoNTTF Chair)
- Mary Meyer (AAUP, CSU)
- Tim Gallagher (Faculty Council, Chair)
- Sue Doe (Faculty Council, Vice Chair)
- 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM College of Liberal Arts Adjunct Faculty Committee will host an informational session about contingent issues (focus to be announced).