- A poem from Dan Beachy-Quick’s new project, “Canto,” has been accepted by TriQuarterly. He also be participated in a conversation about John Keats and negative capability at the University of Denver.
- Genesea Carter attended the Spilman Symposium on Issues in Teaching Writing at Virginia Military Institute. The Spilman Symposium is a think-tank, discussion-based symposium for all teachers of writing. This year’s theme was “Discourse for Democracy: Teaching Writing and Rhetoric for Civic Life.”
- Tobi Jacobi presented the keynote address (“Collaborations, Complicities, and the aradical Work of Community Writing”) at the Rocky Mountain Writing Center conference.
- CLC interns and volunteers Matthew Gorman, Michaela Hayes, Yibei Zhang and Derra Larsen presented at workshop at the Rocky Mountain Writing Center conference.
- Six members of the CSU Writing Center team attended TutorCon 2019, the regional International Writing Center Association conference. Crystal Villaneuava, a microbiology major and Writing Center consultant presented “De-escalating Tensions in Difficult Consultations,” and Laura Price Hall and Lisa Langstraat presented, “Writing Centers, Emotional Labor and Empathy.”
- Vauhini Vara has been awarded the Arthur F. Burns Prize in Journalism for her essay “Can Unions Stop the Far Right?” which was published in The Atlantic. Her essay “Small World” appears in the current issue of The Believer.
- Andrew Altschul has sold his third novel, The Eyes of the World, to Melville House Press. It will be published in 2020.
- Stephanie G’Schwind is very proud to announce that the National Endowment for the Arts has granted the Center for Literary Publishing $10,000 for 2019. The grant supports the publication of the Summer 2019 and Fall/Winter 2019 issues of Colorado Review, as well as Furthest Ecology, by Adam Fagin, the 16th title in the Mountain West Poetry Series.
- Mary Crow’s translation of Roberto Juarroz’s “Buscar una cosa” will serve as prologue to the documentary, “Searching for Tom Bombadil”, which is premiering in April at the Amsterdam Film Festival.
- Kelly Bradbury’s co-authored piece, “Goldiloxxing Intellectual Participation: Getting It ‘Just Right,” was just published in The Rhetoric of Participation: Interrogating Commonplaces In And Beyond the Classroom, a digital book exploring teachers’ ideas surrounding “participation,” something we expect (and often assess) from our students. The article can be accessed digitally at https://ccdigitalpress.org/book/rhetoric-of-participation/bradbury_muhlhauser/. The entire book can be accessed at https://ccdigitalpress.org/rhetoric-of-participation.
- Ricki Ginsberg’s co-edited book Engaging with Multicultural YA Literature in the Secondary Classroom: Critical Approaches for Critical Educators came out this week! Check out the snazzy cover and details here: https://www.routledge.com/Engaging-with-Multicultural-YA-Literature-in-the-Secondary-Classroom-Critical/Ginsberg-Glenn/p/book/9780367147228
- English Education friends are hosted Justis Lopez, an educational consultant and adjunct professor at Columbia who specializes in liberatory pedagogies, lifting student voice, and hip hop pedagogy. He spoke during our Methods course.
- Joanna Doxey went and got married back in December. While this, in and of itself, isn’t an accomplishment, she’s happy to report that through their non-traditional registry she and her husband were able to gather over $2000 for organizations such as Rams Against Hunger, Heifer International, Planned Parenthood, and the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Her husband, Joe, has also decided to keep his own last name.
- Matthew Cooperman has a new poem, “Second Report on the Niobrara Shales,” out in the new issue of Ecotone; his poem “Standing Figures” has just been taken by VOLT.
- Fabiola Ehlers-Zavala (and Jeffrey Bakken) got a chapter proposal accepted for inclusion in an upcoming edited book titled “Redefining the Role of Language in a Globalized World.” Fabiola and Jeff’s chapter is titled: “Preparing Teachers of English Learners in Diverse Higher Education Contexts: New Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities.” Expected publication date: 2020.
- Mike Palmquist presented (virtually, thanks to the bomb cyclone and three cancelled flights) on a panel at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in Pittsburgh this morning. The panel, “Fifty years of Writing Across the Curriculum,” offered a retrospective and prospective on WAC.
- Sarah Green’s poem “The Plain Is” appears (alongside several CSU alumni) in the first issue of grama. https://gramamag.com
- Ben Greenlee’s flash nonfiction piece, “Release,” has been accepted for the spring issue of Green Briar Review. It will be published early April.
- Alice Stopher’s flash fiction story “some weather” was named honorable mention in Gulf Coast‘s 2018 Barthelme Prize for Short Prose, and will appear in the forthcoming issue of the print journal. Another flash piece, “156 women,” will appear soon in The Normal School online.
- Bill and Cynthia Tremblay read their poetry at the Cannon Mine Cafe last night in Lafayette, CO. The reading was dedicated to Mike Adams, a well-known Colorado poet. They stayed overnight at the home of Claire Mearns, Mike’s widow, and this morning she gave them a copy of the single-volume version of the OED, which was like being handed the Holy Grail.
Submissions Wanted: Outstanding Literary Essay Awards
The Department’s Literature Committee announces the Outstanding Literary Essay Awards, which recognize outstanding critical writing and interpretive work in literary studies. Applicants must be registered graduate students or undergraduate English majors or minors. Awards of $100 for first place, $70 for second place, and $50 for third place will be offered at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Winners will be honored at the English Department Awards Reception on Monday, April 22, from 4-6p.m. in the LSC North Ballroom.
Submission Guidelines: Students should submit an essay that represents their best critical or interpretive work in literary studies. Under-graduate essays should be no longer than 15 pages and graduate essays should be no longer than 20 pages. Shorter papers are welcome. Only one submission is allowed per student. Submission deadline is at 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 1, 2019.
Please submit TWO clean copies, with no name, address, or instructor’s comments.
Only a title and page numbers should appear on the paper. Include with your essay a separate cover letter with your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, university ID number, and title of your essay. Also indicate the course for which the essay was written (if it was composed for a course) and the professor who taught the course. Indicate whether you are an undergraduate English major or minor or graduate student at CSU. Address your cover letter to: Professor Zach Hutchins, Department of English, Campus Delivery 1773, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1773. Cover letter and submissions can be dropped off at the English Department Office in Eddy Building, Room 359.
Environmental Humanities & Postcolonial Studies Series: Dr. Rob Nixon
The English department will be hosting Dr. Rob Nixon on campus in April! You may know Nixon for his acclaimed and influential book, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor (Harvard UP 2013), but he has also published in a range of outlets including The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, and the London Review of Books. He currently serves as the Currie C. and Thomas A. Barron Family Professor in the Humanities and the Environment at Princeton University. You can find his bio here: https://english.princeton.edu/people/rob-nixon
To make the most of his visit, we have organized a series of events that, taken together, serve as a great introduction for anyone interested in the intersection of Environmental Humanities and Postcolonial Studies.
Pre-visit Reading Group
Wednesday, April 3: Reading Group Meeting
4:00-5:00pm, Lory Student Center Room 322
Discussion of Elizabeth DeLoughrey et al., Global Ecologies and the Environmental Humanities (Introduction), and Gabrielle Hecht, “The African Anthropocene,” Aeon
Rob Nixon’s Campus Events
Wednesday, April 17: Open Workshop
4:00-5:30pm, Eddy Hall Room 8
A conversation with Nixon about his book Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor (Introduction and Chapter Eight)
Thursday, April 18: Rob Nixon’s Public Talk
4:00-5:30pm, Lory Student Center Ballroom A
Nixon’s talk is entitled “Environmental Martyrs and the Fate of the Forests.” Free novels with environmental themes will be available at the talk!