- Gerry Delahunty presented his paper “Amnesty International (AI) and Philanthropic Fundraising (PF) Appeals: A Comparative Move Analysis” at the 26th Annual Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics at Aalborg University, Denmark, on August 20, 2015. His presentation proposal, “Language, Text, and Ideological Opposition in Amnesty International (AI) Appeal Letters on Behalf of ‘Prisoners of Conscience'” has been accepted for the 5th New Zealand Discourse Conference, December 7-9, 2015 in Auckland University of Technology.
- Debby Thompson’s essay “As She Kissed the Cow” (about human-animal relations) will appear in the fall issue of The Missouri Review. Her essay “After the Knife” (about school shootings) will be posted on The Kenyon Review Online in the winter.
- Todd Mitchell presented a session on creating comic books at Fort Collins’s first Comic Con.
- Aby Kaupang Cooperman was recently named the Fort Collin’s Poet Laureate. An interview and poems can be found in The Courier on pages 9-10. Fort Collins Courier, Summer/Fall 2015 She will conduct workshops, readings and filed trips throughout the upcoming year.
- Abby Kerstetter had a poem accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of Tinderbox Poetry Journal. The poem is called “Augury with Deer.”
- Bill Tremblay’s adaptation of Aaron A. Abeyta’s novel, RISE, DO NOT BE AFRAID [Ghost Road Press, 2003] is a finalist in the Moondance International Film Festival’s screenplay competition for feature films.
- In August, Felicia Zamora (MFA ’12) won the 2015 Tomaž Šalamun Prize from Verse with her chapbook length manuscript, Of Unkowing. Her manuscript Silence for the Rest of Class was a finalist in the 2015 Tarpaulin Sky Press Book Contest where three of her poems are highlighted on the Tarpaulin Sky website. She was a finalist in the Sonora Review 2015 Poetry Prize and the 2015 poetry prize from Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose. She has a poem in the recent edition of the Potomac Review, and poems forthcoming in Cimarron Review and Zone 3.
- The CSU Writing Project (CSUWP) had a busy summer, offering 6 programs that served approximately 100 youth and 25 teachers in the northern Colorado region:
- The crown jewel was the two-week Youth Science Civic Inquiry institute (YSCI) held at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, which helped fifth-graders from Irish Elementary and Putnam Elementary gain literacy skills, social action strategies, and science knowledge around water use and protection issues in Fort Collins. You can read more about YSCI and see the students in action in a recent feature on SOURCE: http://bit.ly/1L6urx8.
- CSUWP also held three on-campus writing workshops for elementary, middle school, and high school students, a Writers Colony for teachers, and a study group focused on social justice issues in education.
- Finally, in August, we held our annual summer institute, where teachers (including 6 English Dept. alumni) across disciplines and grade levels honed their skills as writers, teacher leaders, and teacher researchers.
- Cindy O’Donnell-Allen also participated (along with Holly LeMasurier from the Museum of Discovery and PSD Literacy Coordinator Kelly Burns) in a design institute for a national cohort of the Intersections Project, sponsored by the National Writing Project and the National Science Foundation. Read more about it: CSU, museum host science/literacy program for local 5th graders.
Upcoming Events
September 16, 2015 | Students and faculty are invited for Dr. Ewa Barbara Luczak’s talk “’A Truly Angelic Society’: Eugenics and American Pre-World War II Literary Imagination,” based on her forthcoming book from Palgrave Macmillan. A reception will follow. |
September 17, 2015 | NCTE@CSU – 5:30-6:30pm, Eddy 5 “The Life of the Banned Book” |
September 17, 2015 | CSU Creative Writing Program – Reading Series, Mary Szybist- 2013 National Book Award for Poetry. 7:30pm Lory Student Center, North Ballroom |
September 24, 2015 | Years of Living Dangerously, Episodes 1 and 2, BSB A101, 7-9pm, free. Jointly sponsored by Changing Climates at CSU and School of Global Environmental Sustainability. |
CSU Writes is up and running with “Show Up & Write” sessions (102 Shepardson Hall from 1-2:50 on M-W-F). The fall workshops begin with introductions to writing group participation!! It would be wonderful to write with you at the sessions or to have you participate in a group! CSU Writes is a new program that organizes and fosters writing groups for faculty, graduate students, and creative/life-writers who write for publication or degree completion. Not only does the program provide a range of writing group options to suit the multiple long-term writing needs of our academic and creative community but CSU Writes also offers workshops, regular drop in writing sessions, and consultations. If you (or your students) are interested in joining a writing group this fall, please, plan to attend one of the introductory workshops on Tuesday 9/15 (in Clark C359) or Wednesday 9/16 (in Clark C358) from 4 – 5:30p.
You can find additional information and sign up for a writing group at: http://english.colostate.edu/csu-writes/
CSU Writes is funded through the RIPPLE EFFECT but is open to all writers in the CSU community.