The sun is shining on Eddy Hall this Friday afternoon, and there are many other good things to celebrate as well. Such as,
- Dan Beachy-Quick will be presenting the Wittreich Lecture at University of Louisville. He’ll be reading an essay titled: “Poetic Geometries: Moby-Dick as Primer to Creative Crisis.” There’s a review of his book on John Keats up at The Philadelphia Review of Books: http://philadelphiareviewofbooks.com/2014/03/24/so-fair-a-form/ And a small collection of his poems from FREE POETRY is just out, titled Drone & Other Poems.
- John Calderazzo and SueEllen Campbell are giving the Atmospheric Science Department Colloquium on March 29, on the topic of “Talking to Non-Scientists.”
- SueEllen Campbell took part in a roundtable/workshop in Dallas this week with faculty and professionals in the fabric, textiles, and clothing industry, helping (as a climate change and sustainability educator) with a USDA-funded curriculum project for students in these fields.
- Matthew Cooperman’s had new poems accepted by New American Writing and The Literary Review. A new review of Imago for the Fallen World is up at Coldfront, http://coldfrontmag.com/reviews/imago-for-the-fallen-world/
- Antero Garcia has a new co-authored article in Educational Policy. The work is titled “Schooling Mobile Phones: Assumptions About Proximal Benefits, the Challenges of Shifting Meanings, and the Politics of Teaching” and can be accessed here: http://epx.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/02/26/0895904813518105.abstract
- The North American Review has invited Steven Schwartz to deliver the fiction keynote address at their bicentennial conference in June 2015.
- Leif Sorensen presented a paper “Sounds of the Post-Dictatorial City: Punk Mappings of Buenos Aires, Montevideo and São Paulo” in a seminar “Punk and the City” at the 2014 meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association in New York City on March 21.
- Wastershed Review has accepted three of Jerrod Bohn’s poems for publication.
- Kristin George Bagdanov’s poem “Exchange Body” was given an honorable mention in the 2014 AWP Intro Journals Project competition. Her paper proposal “The Anthropocenic Lyric” was accepted for the 2015 MLA panel, “Anthropocene and Deep Time in Literary Studies,” which is co-sponsored by the divisions of 20th-Century American Literature and Literature and Science.
- Samantha Iacovetto will be an MFA candidate in Creative Nonfiction at The Ohio State University. She will be attending on a fellowship.
- Vani Kannan’s article “Model Minority or Potential Terrorist? Affective Economies, Rhetorics of Silence & the Murder of Sunando Sen” appears in the March 2014 issue of Studies on Asia and can be accessed online here: http://studiesonasia.illinoisstate.edu/seriesIV/vol4-1.shtml
- Karen Montgomery Moore presented her paper “The Unrealized Potential of Metaphor in Relation to Cancer” this weekend at the “Undoing Health: States of Body and Mind” graduate student interdisciplinary conference at Indiana University-Bloomington. Grateful thanks to Debby Thompson and Katie Adkison for their critical feedback on this work.
- Tanya Mykhaylychenko (MA in Literature, Summer 2009) has been, since graduating, an OWL tutor for a major publishing and education company, a full-time proposal writer for a small IT staffing agency, and is currently a freelance writing consultant. Following her long-time interest in film theory and history, she was recently admitted to a graduate program in film studies at Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University (Montreal) and awarded a two-year fellowship.