Today’s Humans of Eddy doesn’t feature one person, but a group of humans who make their home in Eddy. These lovely individuals are some of Eddy’s own Writing Center consultants. The Writing Center is made up of 17 consultants who are both undergrad and grad students with various degree backgrounds.
Where are you located?
The CSU Writing Center is located in the basement of Eddy, room 23, Monday through Thursday.
What does the Writing Center do?
Our consultants can assist writers at all stages of the writing process, including brainstorming, drafting, revising, and polishing. Our clients come from all types of disciplines, with writing that ranges from research papers and essays to lab reports, resumes, and applications. There are three types of consultations: face-to-face appointments, online draft submission, and synchronous video conferencing for online and off-campus students. As our website says, we work “to help create better writers, not just better writing.”