Portrait of Elena Brousard-Norcross

Elena Brousard-Norcross
MFA Creative Writing: Fiction
Anticipated graduation: 2021

What are you working on, doing in Eddy Hall today?
Some personal writing, as well as catching up on readings for Form and Tech (Fiction).

How do you spend most of your time in Eddy Hall?
Reading, writing, running breathlessly up the stairs to print.

Favorite moment in Eddy Hall?
Marnie, any moment I can see her and chat makes my day. She’s been a saving grace.

Favorite English class or teacher?
EJ Levy. She’s a soul sister and one of the most intelligent and big hearted people I know.

Describe Eddy Hall in one word.
Blossoming(Can it be a verb?!) Eddy is a launching pad for my work, where I begin to scribble to when I need to print a story draft for class.

What’s your favorite book, poem, quote, lyric, genre? Who is your favorite author?
The Outsiders by S.E Hinton has always been my favorite book. I read it in middle school and it has always stuck with me: how young the author was, the fictive dream and the visceral connection it makes with the reader. My favorite author is Rick Bass and I hope to meet him one day and thank him for influencing my writing.

If you were to give advice to incoming CSU English majors, what would it be?
This is an incredible place with invested people as your instructors. Take advantage of it all and don’t wait for things to just fall into place.

What’s your biggest goal, priority right now?
Working on a graphic novel and wishing I had a pet bunny, or a pet fox but not both….