- The Community Literacy Center was featured in a podcast on KCSU. “On this episode, [Christian Rhea, digital director in VP Research Office] sat down with the Director of the Community Literacy Center, Tobi Jacobi, and one of the center’s [former] interns, Bree Jones, to discuss the CLC’s mission to create alternative literacy opportunities that work to educate and empower underserved populations. With some background on the CLC, we will then discuss Tobi and Bree’s roles and some of the heartfelt moments they’ve experienced while orchestrating the center’s Speakout Program.” Listen here
- Kelly Weber has poems forthcoming in Mud City Journal and a poem forthcoming in Bodega.
- Amanda Zoch presented a paper, “‘Sad, sick, and lame’: Postpartum Suffering and Authorial Agency in Hester Pulter’s Childbed Poems,” at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
- Bill Tremblay’s poem, “To One Who Fears Cameras” has been nominated by Re Dactions for a Pushcart Prize.
- The chapbook press, FREE POETRY, just put out a set of Dan Beachy-Quick’s translations from the ancient Greek, Simonides and Archilochus.
- Caleb Gonzalez’s essay “To Go/Atravesar” was published in Wanderlust-Journal. It’s a short essay about language-switching in international airport terminals and the act of crossing over. You can read it here https://wanderlust-journal.com/2018/11/05/to-go-atravesar-by-caleb-gonzalez/
- Leslee Becker’s story, “Folly,” has been accepted for publication in Superstition Review.
- Matthew Cooperman and Aby Kaupang read from NOS alongside Veronica Paterson at Bookbar.
- Amanda Memoli and Sue Doe recently led a participatory workshop at the Cultural Rhetorics conference in E. Lansing, MI. Their workshop, “Performing Lived Reality as Activism,” involved the gradual construction of an art installation populated by attendee stories of labor in the academy and in other walks of life. The installation grew and changed over the course of the conference. On the final day of the conference, Amanda and Sue curated the stories from the installation and engaged session-goers in a “Theater of the Oppressed” (ToP) workshop in which the collected stories were acted out by attendees. ToP workshops use theater techniques such as image theater, legislative theater, and tableau theater to stage stories, move audience members from spectators to spec-actors, and encourage participants to newly imagined agency when faced with overwhelming social pressures and challenges.
- Aparna Gollapudi’s review of Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Mary Pix’s The Beau Defeated, re-titled The Fantastic Follies of Mrs. Rich has been published in the peer-reviewed scholarly online journal, ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830. [https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/abo/vol8/iss2/4 ]
- Roze Hentschell has received a contract from Oxford University Press for her monograph, provisionally titled “Spatial Stories: St Paul’s Cathedral Precinct, 1561-1625.” It will be published later next year.
- Katherine Indermaur has a poem and a short article on the history of waterproof fabric in the newest issue of Alpinist magazine: https://shop.holpublications.com/products/alpinist-magazine-issue-64. Entropy also just published an essay Katherine and her mother wrote about sexual assault and harassment, called “Torn Just for Wanting”: https://entropymag.org/woven-torn-just-for-wanting/
- Kristin Macintyre’s poem “[untitled]” has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Mud Season Review.
- Yash Seyedbagheri’s stories, “Bowling For Shabbos,” “Episcopalian Anger Management,” and “Choose Your Own Religion,” have been selected for publication at Here Comes Everyone, Gravel Magazine, and Ink In Thirds, respectively.
- Lynn Badia and Erika Osborne presented the culminating exhibition for their course, LB383: “Cultural Extraction: Energy in the Humanities” in the Robert W. Hoffert Learning Center at the Gregory Allicar Museum of Art. The Museum of Energy Transitions (Real and Speculative): We are in the midst of a global energy transition. This exhibition provided a speculative space to carefully reflect on our relationship with energy by examining our present energy transition as if looking back from the future. The work in this “museum of the present” offered a critical framework to examine our energy pasts, to analyze our current transition, and to engage the radical imaginary for thinking about possible energy futures. The images, texts, objects, and speculative fictions that comprised this exhibition were created by the CSU undergraduate students enrolled in LB393: “Cultural Extraction: Energy in The Humanities.” This interdisciplinary course examines the relationship between energy and culture through literature, art, film, and theory.
- Dan Beachy-Quick’s book of translation from the ancient Greek, Stone-Garland, has been accepted for publication by Milkweed Editions in their Seedbank series. The poets translated are Alcman, Archilochus, Anacreon, Simonides, Theognis, and Callimachus. It should be out in 2020.
- Harrison Candelaria Fletcher’s lyric essay, “Identity Theft (Side B)” has been accepted by Brevity for its upcoming issue in January. It’s part of his book-length essay on in-between-ness.
- EJ Levy’s review of Huda al-Marashi’s debut memoir appeared in The Washington Post (November 16, 2018). She highly recommends the book, as what Jane Austen might have written had she been a first-gen, Iraqi-American in California in the 1990s, facing the prospect of arranged marriage.
- Kristina Quynn has been awarded the CLA Curricular Innovation Award for 2018-19. She sends many “thanks” to the nomination committee for their thoughtful efforts.
- Katherine Indermaur’s poem “Flooded” has been published by Frontier Poetry: https://www.frontierpoetry.com/2018/11/30/flooded-katherine-indermaur/
- Kelly Weber’s poem “Strike” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Bodega.
- Mary Crow has had her poem, “At Pehistun, in Persia”, accepted for publication by West Texas Literary Review.
Guest speaker, Michael Carolan, Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts, will speak on the topic of food at a Symposium for First-Year and Advanced Writers, March 6, 2019 at 4 PM—location TBA. As one of the world’s foremost authorities on the sociology of food, Dr. Carolan is eager to connect to students using the FOOD and F-E-W readers in many sections of CO150 as well as to students generally. Dr. Carolan is the author of several books, including The Real Cost of Cheap Food (2011, 2018), The Sociology of Food and Agriculture (2012), Reclaiming Food Security (2013), A Sociological Look at Biofuels (2010) and his most recent book No One Eats Alone: Food as a Social Enterprise (2017). Please encourage your students to attend by putting this talk into your spring syllabi!