“Love, In Theory” by E.J. Levy, the French edition
Good news from E.J. Levy: “My award-winning story collection, ‘Love, In Theory,’ is being released today in France by Editions Payot & Rivages, publishers of (among others) Elmore Leonard, David Lodge, Alison Lurie, and Willa Cather. They compare my work to that of Lorrie Moore, Grace Paley, and Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro. The collection won the Flannery O’Connor Award and the GLCA New Writers Award, previously awarded to Munro, Richard Ford, Louise Erdrich and other award-winning authors.”
Leslee Becker’s story collection, The Little Gentleman, has been named a Finalist for the Snake Nation Press Fiction Award. She was also listed in the Literary Arts category as one of Silicon Valley Creates Awards Laureates for winning the Santa Clara County Arts Council Short Story Award. (She has not moved to Silicon Valley, but is being cited as an Artist Laureate in honor of SVC’s 25th anniversary.)
Ellen Brinks has an essay on queer Victorian childhood and adolescence in an edited collection entitled Queer Victorian Families: Curious Relations in Literature. The volume, which appeared this spring, is part of the Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature.
Tobi Jacobi was elected to serve a 3 year term on the CSU Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research advisory board.
Tobi Jacobi and Wendy Wolters Hinshaw’s essay, “What Words Might Do: The Challenge of Representing Incarcerated Women and their Writing” appears in the most recent issue of Feminist Formations, a feminist scholarly journal.
Two English majors received Top Honors at the CURC Showcase and five others received High or Highest Honors. The Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) Showcase features writing, oral presentations, service-learning, art, and research by CSU undergraduate students. Seventeen English majors entered. An interesting note in the poetry competition is that the first place winner, Eric Bleem, is a Biochemistry major whose E210 instructor was English MFA student Kristen George Bagdanov. Eric was awarded first place for his poem “Hollows.” You can see pictures and read about the winners at http://english.colostate.edu/2015/05/celebrate-undergraduate-research-and-creativity-curc-showcase-winners/
Five of our current student teachers returned to campus on Monday, May 4th, to talk and workshop with our current Methods students. Stephanie McElroy, Melinda Smith, Kendall Umetsu, Chris Vanjonack, and Kelly Wimler visited Pam Coke‘s EDUC 463: Methods–Teaching Language Arts class. They answered questions about student teaching, and then they worked with students in small groups to answer questions about their unit plans. Melinda, Kendall, and Chris have already secured teaching positions for the fall.
Mary Crow has had her poem, “Short Cut,” accepted by Calliope magazine.
Christine Robinson (2011 MA, Rhet/Comp) was recently named recipient of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences (LAS) Outstanding Instructor award for 2015. Christine just finished her fourth year as a full-time instructor at UCCS.