![Image by Colorado State University](https://english.colostate.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2016/04/ramstatue.jpg)
- Nancy Henke learned this week that she’s been chosen as a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar. She will spend two weeks in June at the NEH Summer Institute on “Westward Expansion and the Constitution in the Early Republic,” at the University of Oklahoma.
- Todd Mitchell will be delivering two sessions at this year’s Colorado Teen Literature Conference in Denver on April 2nd (one session on using a practitioner’s approach to understand and teach graphic texts, and the other on approaches to teaching and improving dialogue and setting in fiction).
- English Department Website: We’ve added new pages to the website that include listings of the department’s courses — Summer and Fall 2016; Composition (CO), English (E), American Studies (AMST), and Education (EDUC); and links to the current Rambler as well as a Rambler archive. Check them out: http://english.colostate.edu/courses/
Outstanding Literary Essay Awards
DEADLINE IS MONDAY! The English Department’s Literature Program announces the 13th annual Outstanding Literary Essay Awards contest, which recognizes outstanding critical writing and interpretive work in literary studies. Applicants must be registered graduate or undergraduate English majors or minors. Awards of $100 for first place, $75 for second place, and $50 for third place will be offered at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Winners will be honored at the English Department Awards on Monday, April 25, 2016.
Submission Guidelines: Students should submit an essay that represents their best critical work in literary studies. Undergraduate essays should be no longer than 15 pages and graduate essays should be no longer than 20 pages. Shorter papers are welcome. Only one submission is allowed per student.
Eligibility: (1) Essay should be written for a course taken in the CSU English Dept.
(2) Writer should be an English major or English minor
Submission deadline is Monday April 4, 2016, at 5:00 p.m.
Please submit:
- TWO clean copies, with no name, address, or instructor’s comments. Only a title and page numbers should appear on the paper.
- Include with your essay a separate cover letter with your (a) name, (b) address, (c) phone number, (d) e-mail address, (e) university ID number, (f) title of your essay (g) course for which the essay was written and the professor who taught the course, and (h) indicate whether you are an undergraduate English major, minoring in English, or a graduate student at CSU.
Address your cover letter to: Professor Aparna Gollapudi, Department of English, Campus Delivery 1773, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1773. Cover letter and submissions can be dropped off at the English Department Office in Eddy Bldg.
CSU Writes
This next week, CSU Writes offers a short workshop on academic style: Suffering from Jargonitis? — For all interested faculty and students.
Have reviewers, professors or friends commented on your superfluous and superior linguistic bravura? Well…you, too, might suffer from Jargonitis. You are not alone. Most academic writers suffer from Jargonitis at some point in their career. There is a cure and this workshop is part of the treatment. Bring samples of your own work or jargon-filled examples from your academic reading to this session, and we will consider quick fixes and long-term writing strategies to help maintain the well-being of you and your prose.
Tuesday, April 5 (11 – 12:30pm, LSC 376)
Wednesday, April 6 (3 – 4:30pm, LSC 372)
MA or PhD Programs, Professional Workshop
All students interested in applying to MA or PhD program in English a workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 12th from 3:00-4:00pm in Eddy 107, led by Pam Coke, Aparna Gollapudi and Roze Hentschell. Topics covered will be “Researching programs of interest, entrance exams, the application process, funding, and online resources.