If you’re at all like intern Katie, you love looking at books, and pictures of books.
You can follow the #ilovebooks for a great assortment of book-themed posts on your Instagram, but here are some of our favorite accounts.
These Novel Thoughts @thesenovelthoughts
Who doesn’t love thoughts about books?

Ernest Hedgingway @ernest_hedgingway
Hedges and books galore. Do we need to say more?

Shih Tzus and Book Reviews @shihtzus.and.book.reviews
A brightly-colored account that’s perfect for summer reading ideas!

Diana @bibliocoffee
An account with a beautiful black & white aesthetic.

Robby Reads @robbyreads
Robby Reads’ magical take on books is something you need in your life.

Star and Fleur @webookingloveit
A magical, woods-inspired account.

Book Bento Box @bookbento
It’s a bento box of books and more.

Bookworm @bookwormgram
An account with beautiful, earthy book arrangements.

Bluestocking Bookshelf @bluestockingbookshelf
This account was originally on our list twice, it’s just that great!

And, of course, we have to include our favorite local accounts!
Old Firehouse Books @oldfirehousebooks
Tea and books from your favorite local bookstore.

Wolverine Farm @wolverinefarm
This is a great way to stay in touch with what events are being held at Wolverine Farm Letterpress & Publick House!