News of Note Week of May 1

Harrison Candelaria Fletcher has a lyric essay, “Family Cookbook,” accepted by Florida Review. It’s part of a new collection exploring mixed-ness and in-between-ness. Camille Dungy’s poem, “Natural History,” was awarded a Pushcart Prize and will be played published in the Best of the Small […]

News of Note Week of January 16

Harrison Candelaria Fletcher had a couple of lyric essays accepted for publication over the break: “Coyote Crossword” in Permafrost and “Conjugation” in Uproot. He was also profiled in High Country News Sue Doe’s co-authored article with Mary Pilgrim and Jessica […]

News of Note Week of December 5

Harrison Candelaria Fletcher has been named one of “The Top Ten New Latino Writers to Watch (and Read) for 2017” by the by literary website. The recognition was based on feedback from editors, faculty, librarians and readers. Also, […]

News of Note Week of September 12

Dan Beachy-Quick has a group of poems in the new Flag + Void: He also has an essay published at Full-Stop: Harrison Candelaria Fletcher’s essay, “Open Season,” has just appeared in Brevity’s Special Issue on Race, Racism and Racialization […]