Acclaimed poet Camille Dungy, a University Distinguished Professor in Colorado State University’s Department of English, has received the Academy of American Poets Fellowship.
Poet and Colorado State University Distinguished Professor Camille Dungy has been chosen to read one of her poems as part of the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
Sue Doe, professor in the Department of English, now serves as a representative voice for around 1,500 CSU faculty members in her new role as Faculty Council chair at Colorado State University.
We’d hoped this fall that she’d be back with us, in a classroom doing what she loved so much. We are so sad to be saying goodbye instead. “Beverly Jane McQuinn, 66, of Ft. Collins, died after a brave battle […]
~from Communications Coordinator Jill Salahub This past week, John Calderazzo stopped by my office for some chocolate before heading to his last class — the final meeting of his last class ever at CSU. Once he discovered I had chocolate in my […]
The upcoming issue of the College of Liberal Arts enewsletter, where this post will be featured, is a special issue in which all the stories feature development-focused content that showcases the impact of our CLA donors. We were asked to contribute a […]
Colloquium: a usually academic meeting at which specialists deliver addresses on a topic or on related topics and then answer questions relating to them. A few times each semester, the English department hosts a colloquium. All department faculty and graduate […]
Andrew Altschul was the Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Literary Arts at San Jose State University. He earned an MFA from the University of California, Irvine, and was Wallace Stegner Fellow in Creative Writing from 2002-2004 at Stanford […]
Neil FitzPatrick recently graduated from the MFA Fiction Program at CSU and was hired to teach College Composition (CO150) this coming fall. We are excited to have him! What are you most excited about for teaching at CSU? I’m just […]