November 16, 2017 marked the 2017 Writer’s Harvest presented by the CSU English Department Creative Writing Reading Series. The event was a twofold community project: one part literary reading and one part food drive with proceeds going to the Larimer County Food Bank.
Many attendees brought nonperishable foods to donate, which also earned them raffle tickets for chances to win prizes from local businesses. These included sweets from Kilwin’s fudge, Mary’s Mountain Cookies, and Nuance Chocolate, as well as UCA tickets, faculty donated books, books from Old Firehouse Bookstore, gift cards from Tasty Harmony, the CSU Bookstore, and Al’s Newsstand, and a gift basket from Salus Body Care. Over 100 pounds of food was raised for the Larimer County Food Bank.

Readers included Todd Mitchell (who read from his recent book The Last Panther), Matthew Cooperman (who read an Ode about gun culture), Debby Thompson, (who read an experimental essay on biculturalism), Camille Dungy (who read part of an essay from her new collection of essays Guidebook to Relative Strangers).

Mary Ellen Sanger, Zoe Albrecht, and Kelly Kuhn all read works from their CLC workshop writers, in addition to Judy Doenges, Dan Beachy-Quick (who read an excerpt from a forthcoming book), Sasha Steensen, and Leslee Becker.