Ellen Brinks
Ellen Brinks’s new book, Anglophone Indian Women Writers, 1870-1920, has been published by Ashgate Press.
Ellen Brinks’s new book, Anglophone Indian Women Writers, 1870-1920, has been published by Ashgate Press.
Antero Garcia was featured in a recent video interview for the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning initiative. He discussed classroom pedagogy and mobile media use in the video found here: http://dmlcentral.net/blog/whitney-burke/public-school-classrooms-incubators-social-learning
EJ Levy’s debut collection, Love, In Theory, has been named a finalist for the Edmund White Award; Iowa Review recently called the book “enthralling” (iowareview.uiowa.edu/reviews/feb-05-2013/ej_levys_love_in_theory).
Tobi Jacobi and Stephanie Becker’s essay, “Rewriting Confinement: Feminist and Queer Critical Literacy in SpeakOut! Writing Workshops,” appears in the Winter 2012 issue of Radical Teacher.
Ellen Brinks’s book Anglophone Indian Women Writers, 1870-1920 has been published by Ashgate Press.
SueEllen Campbell, co-author, The Face of the Earth: Natural Landscapes, Science, and Culture (California, 2011) http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520269279
Aparna Gollapudi, Moral Reform in Comedy and Culture, 1696–1747 (Ashgate, 2011) http://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?page=637&calcTitle=1&isbn=9781409417965&lang=cy-GB
Roze Hentschell, co-editor, Essays in Memory of Richard Helgerson: Laureations (Delaware, 2012) http://www2.lib.udel.edu/udpress/essays.htm
EJ Levy’s memoir AMAZONS: A LOVE STORY was published this summer to good reviews (Kirkus called it: “…a beautifully written memoir…”).
There’s a two part interview with Dan Beachy-Quick about Moby-Dick that aired on Illinois Public Radio. It’s available here: http://www1.ben.edu/springfield/quiddity/radioprogram.html