Welcome to our 2018-19 GTAs! From left to right: Kseniya Walcott, Theo McFarland, Madi Hopkins, Esther Hayes, Robin Walter, Roland Dumavor, Ross Reagan, Yusnavy Ramos, Jennifer Rojas, Hannah Bright, Mikey Borgard, Leanndra Padgett, Alick McCallum, Alexis Nulsen, Susannah Lodge-Rigal, Sarah Zentner, Matthew Klingsted, Kristen Brooks, and Kyle Fax.
A section from Dan Beachy-Quick’s essay on Marcel Duchamp and Hell is being featured at The Humble Essayist: https://www.the-humble-essayist.com The opening sections of a long abecedarian are up on the wonderful new journal from Split/Level Texts: http://splitleveltexts.com/journal
Tatiana Nekrasova-Beker and Anthony Becker will be presenting at the upcoming 14th American Association of Corpus Linguistics Conference in Atlanta, GA. The title of their presentation is “Discipline- specific use of language patterns: The case of Engineering.”
John Calderazzo’s poem “Douglas Fir, Falling” will be reprinted in an anthology forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press, Poems for the Planet: From Inspiration to Action.
Mary Crow’s poem, “There Is No Illumination,” has been accepted for publication by West Texas Literary Review.
Artemis (Alita) Savory (MA in Creative Nonfiction, Spring 2014), will be teaching again at Northern Essex Community College as well as at North Shore Community College and Rivier University, starting Fall 2018. Last year, her fiction was published in Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and in an anthology compiled by NineStar Press. Her travel essay “Strangers in a Ghost Town” was published by Rova Magazine, and she has two articles forthcoming in The Verge and Fiction Southeast