Dan Beachy-Quick’s new book, gentlessness, has just been published by Tupelo Press, and received an early review here: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-936797-57-8. It is accompanied by a chapbook, Shields & Shards & Stitches & Songs also just out from Omnidawn.
Matthew Cooperman and Aby Kaupang just returned from AWP in Minneapolis, where they gave readings for SpringGun/Noemi, and Laurel Review. The latter reading, co-hosted by Colorado Review, featured (for Colorado Review), Julie Carr, Andy S. Nicholson and Janet Sylvester. In addition, Matthew’s poem “Good Day” has just been accepted by Prairie Schooner.”
A conversation between Camille Dungy and Pulitzer-prize finalist Adrian Matejka is collected in Tracking / Teaching: On Documentary Poetics, which is “up” and available to the world at http: //www.essaypress.org/ep-2
EJ Levy presented at AWP as part of “Eye on the (Book) Prize.” Her first attempt at poem, inspired by Carl Phillips, has been accepted for publication in The Pinch.
This year’s judge of our Academy of American Poets Prize, Bin Ramke, has announced his choice of winner and runner-up. Congratulations to Kristin GeorgeBagdanov whose three poems “Calving,” “When First I heard,” & “Lamb Body” have been awarded 1st place; and congratulations to Kylan Rice whose suite of “eve” poems received honorable mention. It’s needful to mention that Mr. Ramke had a very difficult time deciding, and described himself as so impressed with all the entrees that he wanted to drive up here and ask us what is going on.