- Tony Becker recently had an article, “L2 Students’ Performance on Listening Comprehension Items Targeting Local and Global Information,” published in the Journal of English for Academic Purposes. For those interested in reading the article, it is currently available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S147515851630042X.
- Judy Doenges’ story “Promised Land” was listed in Other Distinguished Stories of 2015 in Best American Short Stories 2016.
- Todd Mitchell presented two sessions last week at the 40th Rocky Mountain Chapter SCBWI Conference in Golden Colorado. He presented a session on endings, and a three-hour intensive on earning character transformations in young adult and middle grade fiction. He also got to hang out with some legendary young adult authors like the Newbery award winner Richard Peck, and Lin Oliver (the Founder of SCBWI, and the writer and producer of a bunch of TV shows and movies). Over the summer, Todd also served as guest faculty for the Antioch MFA Residency in Los Angeles.
- Rebecca Snow’s review of Anthony Doerr’s novel All the Light We Cannot See: https://rebeccasnow.co/2016/09/13/doppelgangers-of-darkness-and-light/
Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship Competition in Creative Writing
Deadline: Friday, October, 7, 2016 by 4:00pm
- The Creative Writing Program is conducting its annual university-wide creative writing competition for Creative & Performing Arts scholarships.
- Students can submit multiple genres. Undergraduate submissions may include one or more of the following genres: three to five poems OR one short story OR one creative essay.
- Awards are typically $500 per academic year in the form of tuition waivers; awards of $1,000 – $5,000 may be given for special merit.
- Multiple awards are available.
Submission Guidelines:
- Students may submit 3 to 5 poems OR 1 short story OR 1 creative nonfiction essay (not an academic paper).
- DO NOT PUT NAME OR ADDRESS ON THE MANUSCRIPT. Include only page numbers and title on manuscript.
- Attach a cover letter stating name, address, phone number, CSU I.D. number (NOT ssn number), and genre.
- Address manuscripts to: Professor Dan Beachy-Quick, Directory, Creative Writing Program, Eddy Hall, CSU. Campus Delivery 1773
- Please be sure to either mail OR Hand-Deliver submissions to English Department mailbox in Eddy Hall by Friday, October 7, 2016 at 4:00pm.
Criteria for Award:
- Must have a minimum 2.4 GPA.
- Must be undergraduates (working on first bachelor’s degree)
- Must be enrolled full-time (12+ credits).
- Should be making satisfactory progress toward a degree, i.e., must have satisfactorily completed 75% of CSU courses attempted and must not have accumulated excessive credits. (See Office of Financial Aid for further details).
- Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.
The Creative Writing Faculty cannot comment on the writing; manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.