Sunrise and a full moon over Lee Martinez Park, image by Jill Salahub
Dan Beachy-Quick has been invited to be the Visiting Hurst Professor at Washington University in St. Louis next spring, a two week appointment. Also, his poem, titled “Poem,” included in an anthology titled Liberation to be published by Beacon Press next spring.
Matthew Cooperman’s manuscript Spool has won the 2014 New Measure Prize, and will be published by Free Verse Editions/Parlor Press in 2016. He gave a reading at Cafe Bazaar series in San Francisco, at the beginning of March. Matthew and Aby Kaupang also just hosted EveryEye’s latest event, featuring Kevin Prufer and Wayne Miller. The next event is March 25, and will feature Chad Sweeney, Jennifer Foerster and a poet to be named later. Keep your every eye out for details.
Cory Holland will be giving a colloquium at UC Davis on March 12 titled “Shifting or Shifted? The state of California vowels.”
Bill Tremblay’s poem, “Extended Family,” will appear in the forthcoming anthology, Relative Wild, University of Chicago Press.