- Dan Beachy-Quick’s book of poems, gentlessness, was named a finalist for the Rilke Prize.
- Matthew Cooperman recently gave a number of readings in North Carolina to support his new book. He’ll be reading at the University of Wyoming this Friday, March 4, 7pm. He also has new poems up at Word/for Word at http://www.wordforword.info/vol27/cooperman1.html
- Sue Doe led a workshop for graduate students in the LEAP Program (Institute for Arts Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Advocacy) on Thursday evening, March 3. The focus of the workshop was on grassroots activism using Boalian theatre techniques.
- Camille Dungy’s poem, “Natural History” is in the newest issue of Boston Review (March/April 2016).
- Kiley Miller’s grammar game, called “Translation, Please” will be published in the Spring 2016 edition of The Dangling Modifier, an “international newsletter by and for peer tutors in writing and produced in association with the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (NCPTW).”
- Meagan Wilson is attending Northeastern’s graduate student conference, The Imaginary, this weekend, presenting “Remembering a New Past: Alice Notley’s Restorative Imagination,” adapted from her MA project on imagination.
- March 7th is the deadline for proposals for for NCTE@CSU’s Literacy Through Popular Culture conference. See http://nctecsuconference2016.weebly.com for additional information.