- Joanna Doxey has poems forthcoming in Tinderbox and Denver Quarterly. A collaborative review, curated by Mike Young and Rebekah Hewitt, is in the current issue of Tinderbox online, here: http://www.tinderboxpoetry.com/a-collective-review-of-vow-by-rebecca-hazelton-told-through-three-letters. Her book of poetry, Plainspeak, WY, will be released by Platypus Press in late November.
- Mike Palmquist gave plenary talks this summer at the Computers and Writing Conference in upstate New York and the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He continued to work on the WAC Clearinghouse (wac.colostate.edu). Three new books were published this summer and three more will be released before the end of August. The Clearinghouse now has a catalog of more than 70 scholarly books. Mike continues to work on textbooks as well, with new editions of The Bedford Researcher and Joining the Conversation set for publication in the coming year and a new book, In Conversation, set to begin production this fall.
- Leif Sorensen’s article “D’Arcy McNickle’s Reservation Modernism,” appeared in Modernism/Modernity. It is available through the journal’s new open access digital platform Print Plus at https://modernismmodernity.org/articles/d%E2%80%99arcy-mcnickle%E2%80%99s-reservation-modernism
- Catie Young’s chapbook, Overhead Projector, was recently published by H_NGM_N Books. Her essay, “Lost in the Fiery Hell of a Canyon a Woman Struggles Desperately for Life,” will appear in The Scofield‘s upcoming issue: Clarice Lispector & the Act of Writing.
- Steven Schwartz’s forthcoming book to be published this September, Madagascar: New and Selected Stories, received a starred review in Booklist.
- Crane Giamo (MFA Poetry, Summer 2011) is currently the studio manager and faculty instructor in the Book Arts Program at the University of Utah, and the lead printer for Red Butte Press. He is the co-founder of Delete Press, a poetry chapbook publishing outfit for which he is the letterpress printer, bookbinder, and papermaker. He is also the co-founder of By Voices, an ongoing collaborative experiment with Christopher Davenport where the process of building books are conceived as instruments of social practice through printmaking, papermaking, bookbinding, photography, and film. Crane’s own artist books can be located under the imprint Pocalypstic Editions.
- Bill Tremblay and Chloe’ Leisure did a reading together at the Loveland Public Library on August 5, 2016, and on August 6, 2016 they did a poetry workshop from 9-11:00 AM. There was not an empty seat. Bill and Chloe would like to thank Veronica Patterson for making the arrangements and Lorrie Wolfe for organizing the Northern Colorado members of the Columbine Poetry group as well as Caroline Hilligoss of the Loveland Public Library. Bill has a number of readings this fall–from Laramie to Boulder to Evergreen. He’s also done a radio interview with Patrick Bocarde for his show “Talking Earth” on KBOO.fm, Portland, OR, and with Carrie Graves and Alan Legg on KRFC.fm for future broadcast.
Sara Jane Sloane took a picture of Bill and Chloe signing books. - Kathleen Willard won second prize for the Marc Fischer Poetry Prize. She will be reading her poem “Song of Myself X”, an quasi-autobiographical poem using words beginning with X and, of course, a homage to Whitman at the Telluride Literary Arts Festival on Friday May 20th.
Department Hours: Main office, Computer Lab, and Writing Center
English Department Office Hours: The English Office hours are 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (closed during lunch, 12:00-1:00 p.m.).
Eddy 300 Computer Lab
Monday – Friday 7:30-10pm
Saturday 8-6pm
Sunday 10-6pm
Colorado State University Writing Center: Creating better writers and better writing.
30 minute face-to-face consultations
Eddy Room 23
Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm
Beginning Monday, August 29th
Morgan Library Room 171
Sunday-Thursday 6 – 8pm
Beginning Tuesday, September 6
Online draft review available throughout the week.
Find more information or make an appointment at: writingcenter.colostate.edu