Each April, Colorado State University’s Office for Undergraduate Research and Artistry hosts the Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) Showcase, in which CSU undergraduates present and perform a range of scholarly and artistic work across disciplines.
Best in Show — Creative Writing
Izabelle Hood
College of Liberal Arts
“Burnt Songs”
Mentor: Dan Beachy-Quick and Matthew Cooperman
Excellence in Liberal Arts Research
Ali Niaz
College of Liberal Arts
“The Rocket Scientist vs. The Journalist: A Battle Within Culture”
Mentor: Jenny Fischer
College Honors
Alex Mccraw
College of Liberal Arts
“For Dear Life”
Mentor: Joanna Doxey
To learn more about CURC and view the complete list of winners, visit: https://tilt.colostate.edu/oura/current-students/showcase/curc/