Leif Sorensen teaching E333 Critical Studies of Popular Texts: Science Fiction

Registration for the Spring Semester is still open and the English department has a wide variety of classes for next semester. Whether you’re an English major or just interested in any of the themes our courses cover, we’d love to see you register for one of these amazing classes.

Right now is a vital time to study cross-cultural works. E142: Reading without Borders, taught by Joelle Paulson, will read “works of authors from a range of international and cross-national backgrounds, addressing a plurality of cultural and ethnic voices, and emphasizing the dynamics of their interaction and mutual interpretation.” Meets MWF 2:00 pm-2:50 pm

The course description for E403: Writing the Environment provides more questions than answers about the environment: “What is the Environment? Is it the same as Nature? Can we touch it, respond to it? What is the local? The global? What things and creatures do we encounter there? Who is other? What is wild? And where do you live? Right now, no doubt, in a town in the west of a teetering country. Can you write about that?” Taught by Matthew Cooperman, this course will take you on an exploration to answer these questions. Meets TR 2:00 pm-3:15 pm

It’s hard to forget the books we loved as children. Have the opportunity to learn about your favorite children’s books, along with some new ones, in E405: Adolescents’ Literature with Ricki Ginsberg. This course will tackle many themes, including “culture, (dis)ability, gender, identity, intersectionality, mental health, race, sexuality, and social classes,” along with the opportunity to choose outside readings. This is a great chance to make a dent in that “to-read” stack piling up in your room. Meets MWF 2:00 pm-2:50 pm

Have you ever studied Disney in an academic context? E406: Topics in Literacy  – Literacy & Popular culture with Lisa Langstraat gives you the opportunity to learn about the impacts of “Disney Culture,” taking the second part of the semester to flesh these ideas out. Additionally, you will focus on the “theories of popular culture and literacy practices,” and how popular texts work with popular culture. Meets TR 9:30 am-10:45 pm

If you enjoyed our author blurbs for Hispanic History Month , learn about those authors and more in E423: Latino/a Literature – Life in the Hyphen, taught by Harrison Candelaria Fletcher. “Envisioning borders as intersections – as opportunities – this course will examine the crossroads of identity within contemporary Latino(a) literature.” Meets TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm

More great English courses, along with complete coursing listings, are available on our website.