From Jill Salahub, English Department Communications Coordinator: We had so many great applicants for the internship position this time around. Any of them would have been a great fit, which meant we got to pick the best of the best. I am so happy to introduce the English Department’s Communications Interns for Spring 2016 — Katie Haggstrom and Joyce Bohling, (who was also with us last semester, and was so great we asked her to stay on). Just like the position description states, they are creative and enthusiastic CSU students with good communication and writing skills who are super excited to help us tell the story of the English Department. We had our first official meeting last week, and there’s lots of good stuff coming your way! If you have any ideas of what they should be writing about, events they should be attending, people they should profile, etc., send those suggestions my way.
From Katie Haggstrom: “I admit that I’m a cliche English student, but I try to live by Emerson’s quote ‘do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ I went from spending my undergraduate years bundling up against harsh Minnesota winters at St Olaf College to studying in Tanzania, London and attending NYU’s Publishing Institute.”
“I will always be a Nebraska native, but I officially moved to Fort Collins in August to begin a Masters in English at CSU. While I’m beginning my second semester, I’m still adjusting to the whole graduate student thing. But I’m amazed at the countless authors, writers, and poets invited to speak at CSU. As your intern this semester, I’m excited to learn more about the different events and speakers on the calendar.”
“If you see me lurking around Eddy (where I seem to live most weekdays), feel free to say hello.”

From Joyce Bohling: “I’m excited to be returning for a second semester as a Communications Intern for the English Department! In the fall, I not only learned a lot about writing for the web, but met some very cool people I otherwise would not have met, learned more about people I already knew, and got to share their stories with all of you. I’m looking forward to another semester of learning all I can about communications and about this department. Don’t hesitate to contact me (or Katie or Jill) if you have a story you’d like to be heard.”