On the Road to Becoming a U.S. Foreign Service Officer
Veteran Justin Frigault (’23) secures a prestigious Rangel Fellowship on his journey to become a U.S. Foreign Service Officer.
Veteran Justin Frigault (’23) secures a prestigious Rangel Fellowship on his journey to become a U.S. Foreign Service Officer.
“My ability to communicate in writing, and in person, and find ways to resonate with a variety of audiences has been pivotal to my work,” said Clark. “From working with a member of the public to working with attorneys and judges who have advanced degrees, my ability to navigate into all of those spaces was critical to getting where I am today.”
Making an impact in her community: Meg Prekeryte (’23) shares how a degree in English led to her current role as a grant writer for a nonprofit in the healthcare industry.
Learn how Andrea Day (’21) has used their undergraduate degree in English to grow in their communications role at Old Firehouse Books and craft an emerging literary career.
Jenna Schuster (’18) has used her undergraduate degree to propel her into a successful career both professionally and academically.
Teaching our youth is no easy feat. But Andrew Eggleston (English, ’15) has found satisfaction and success in the classroom.
English alumna Lucy Lawrence (’21) believes good medicine begins with holding space for people’s stories. As she prepares to enter her first year of medical school, she shared why studying art and literature is an invaluable foundation for a career in healthcare.