Changing Climates @ CSU

Changing Climates was founded and is directed by SueEllen Campbell and John Calderazzo, both writers and professors in the CSU English Department. Concerned about the potential impacts of climate change and the lack of knowledge among the public, the initiative […]

News of Note Week of November 9th

There’s a review of Dan Beachy-Quick’s book of poems, gentlessness, up at Rain Taxi: Antero Garcia reflected on Teacher Professional Development and Loss, Trauma, and Empathy for DMLcentral. You can read his post here: Antero Garcia wrote a blog post […]

The Community Literacy Center

The CSU Community Literacy Center (CLC) helps create alternative literacy opportunities that work to educate and empower underserved populations, and foment university-community literacy collaboration.  Through the SpeakOut! writing workshops, the CLC confronts stereotypes of at-risk youth and incarcerated women and men, […]

CSU Dead Poets Society

~from English Department Communications Intern Ashley Alfirevic   “We were going to call it the Bread & Cheese Club, but that seemed too obscure,” says Kelsey Easton of the Dead Poets Society. The beloved Robin Williams/John Keating wasn’t the only […]