After 13 wonderful years, the Department of English says goodbye to Senior Instructor Nancy Henke. Henke came to CSU in 2008 as a graduate student and graduate teaching assistant (GTA). After earning her MA in Literature, Henke stayed on as […]
After 23 years, the Department of English will be saying goodbye to Professor Debby Thompson. Dr. Thompson has taught courses in modern drama, literary criticism, and creative nonfiction. Her works centers on the problem of identity, which she has infused […]
Linda Randall and her husband, Gerald Hazelbauer, both professors emeriti of biochemistry at the University of Missouri, have given a $1M bequest, plus annual cash support to the English department via the Marty Bucco Award for Creative Teaching & Scholarship fund.
Gratulations to Professor Camille Dungy for her recent work “Let Me,” published in The New Yorker. “Let Me,” was featured in the April 12, 2021 issue of The New Yorker’s poems. The poem documents a troubled weekend between the narrator and a “lover” […]
Congratulations to Sasha Steensen for her poem “7. (eighteen line poem for gordon)” which was featured last month on Poetry Daily. According to their website, “Poetry Daily is an anthology of contemporary poetry. Each day, we bring you a new […]
Department offers a symposium for all first-year English majors First-year university students often struggle with the transition from high school to college. Many of those struggles are due to factors that can make students feel isolated and overwhelmed. One of […]
Todos Santos Study Abroad: Informational Session Calling all English majors and minors! Spend your Fall 2021 semester in Todos Santos, Mexico in this unique Liberal Arts & Community Engagement program designed with you in mind. Earn 15 CSU credits taught by CSU […]