- Dan Beachy-Quick’s essay ”These Flames and Generosities of the Heart: Emerson in the Writing Workshop,” is included in the new collection Approaches to Teaching the Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, out from MLA. He also has a long poem in the new Seattle Review, “Elementals”: http://www.theseattlereview.org/archive/2018/8/29/elementals
- Mark Bresnan’s essay on David Foster Wallace and John McCain was featured this week on the Wallace Society blog: https://www.dfwsociety.org/2018/09/05/try-to-stay-awake-david-foster-wallace-the-political-media-and-john-mccain/
- Caleb Gonzalez’s travel essay “Madrid: The Literary City of Amor” has been accepted for online publication in InTravel Magazine. The essay can be found here: https://intravelmag.com/intravel/in-depth/madrid-the-literary-city-of-amor
- Katherine Indermaur’s short essay “You’ll See Something, Maybe” is out now in Alpinist issue 63.
- Alice Stopher’s story “run” was awarded second place in the 2018 New South Writing Contest, judged by Alissa Nutting, and will appear in the forthcoming issue of the journal.
- Mary Crow has had her poem, “Because Everything Disappears Repeatedly”, accepted for publication by Cumberland Review.