Deadline: Friday, October 2, 2015 by 4:00pm
- The Creative Writing Program is conducting its annual university wide creative writing competition for Creative & Performing Arts scholarships.
- Undergraduate students may submit three to five poems OR one short story OR one creative essay.
- Awards are typically $500 per academic year in the form of tuition waivers; awards of $1,000 – $5,000 are sometimes given for special merit.
- Multiple awards are available.
Submission Guidelines:
- Student may submit 3 to 5 poems OR 1 short story OR 1 creative nonfiction essay (not an academic paper).
- DO NOT PUT NAME OR ADDRESS ON THE MANUSCRIPT. Include only page numbers and title on manuscript.
- Attach a cover letter stating name, email, phone number, CSU I.D. number (not ssn number), and genre.
- Address manuscripts to: Professor Dan Beachy-Quick, Director, Creative Writing Program.
- Please be sure to either mail OR Hand-Deliver submissions to the English Department mailroom on the third floor of Eddy Hall by Friday, October 2, 2015 at 4:00pm.
Criteria for Award:
- Must have a minimum 2.4 GPA.
- Must be undergraduates (working on first bachelor’s degree).
- Must be enrolled full-time (12+ credits).
- Should be making satisfactory progress toward degree, i.e., must have satisfactorily completed 75% of CSU courses attempted and must not have accumulated excessive credits. (See Office of Financial Aid for further details.)
- Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.
The Creative Writing Faculty cannot comment on the writing; manuscripts will not be returned.