Do you have a way with words and a desire to encourage writers? Do you value community and collaboration? In the Writing Center, we know that writing is a conversation best enjoyed over coffee and shared among peers. We’re not editors, but we’re a community of writers helping clients to find their own voices.
Apply for a consultant position for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021!

The application is open to graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students. The application process includes two parts:
- Online application through CSU’s Handshake portal. This application is required for CSU records and to expedite background checks required of all CSU Employees
- Application Supporting Documents to be submitted via this application form:
- Resume, cover letter, and writing sample (see below for details)
- Schedule of availability for Fall 2020.
- Statement of Agreement of CSU Writing Center Policies and Procedures
- IMPORTANT: Availability to attend our Orientation weekend during the first week of classes (Aug 29th & 30th)
- IMPORTANT: Open schedule during our weekly professional development training (9-10am on Wednesdays)
Position Description: CSU Writing Center Consultant
The CSU Writing Center annually holds over 5,000 consultations with diverse writers from all disciplines. Writing Center consultants are members of a vibrant community of writers as they work, one-on-one, with students, faculty and community members on writing projects that range from first-year composition essays, to graduate-level theses and dissertations, to job application materials.
Position Requirements
- Applicants must be enrolled as an upper-division or graduate student for the 2020/21 academic year. (Please note: If you are a graduate student with another position on campus, you will need to seek permission from the Graduate School if your total working hours will exceed 20 hours/week)
- Applicants must be available for a minimum of four hours per week and may work a maximum of eighteen hours per week.
Position Responsibilities
- Work, one-on-one, with writers in face-to-face consultations, online video conferencing, and online draft responses.
- Participate in all required, paid professional development meetings. These meetings address skills such as consultation best practices; understanding rhetorical approaches to writing; writing process theory and practice; working with English Language Learners; identifying sentence-level patterns of error in writing; addressing diversity in language practice, etc.
- Ensure completion of all required consultation records (client report forms in our on-line appointment system, post-consultation client reflection forms, etc.).
- Adhere to CSU Writing Center policies and procedures, and represent the CSU Writing Center in professional and supportive manner in both person and in written correspondence.
- Contribute to a community of writers by maintaining working schedule without tardiness or excessive absence.
- Conduct related research and special projects as requested by Writing Center directors.
To Apply
- Submit required information for this position via Handshake
- On this form submit your availability, statement of agreement, and the following supporting documents:
- A resume, including phone numbers/email addresses of two references (please briefly explain their relationship—e.g., professor, supervisor, etc.).
- A 2-4 page writing sample, from an upper-division course, that represents your writing skills. Your writing sample may be a single essay, an excerpt from a longer writing project, or several short pieces (e.g., lab reports).
- An extended 2-3 page cover letter that addresses:
- Why you are interested in the writing center consultation position;
- Any experiences you’ve had in tutoring positions or other positions that would prepare you for work in a writing center
- A discussion of your submitted writing sample. What do you consider its strengths and/or weaknesses? Why?
- Your supporting documents should be combined as a single PDF
Applications are due by April 20, 2020. Send any questions to the CSU Writing Center Director, Dr. Lisa Langstraat (lisa.langstraat@colostate.edu).