Welcome to Inklings, an English social club. Eat snacks. Make friends!
Meet and hang out with your English Department peers and get to know others across the Fort Collins English community. Our rotating schedule of activities will give you a chance to share your ideas and your work with a group that can relate. We organize hangout nights, game nights, snacks, special guests, parties, a finals study event, and conversation about common interests.
These weekly gatherings create community, and they provide our friends with a space for reaching out to one another in celebration of scholarship and creativity. We also provide snacks!
No need to RSVP, just show up. Inklings is free and open to anyone interested. Scroll down for our events calendar, and we'll see you Tuesdays.
Questions? Reach out to new President Bear Atwood at Bear.Atwood@colostate.edu
Inklings Events
Check below regularly for an updated calendar of Inklings events, and check out the Department of English calendar for other fun, free, educational activities throughout each semester at CSU.
Spring 2025 Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m. in Eddy 200
Spring 2025 Inklings Schedule
Feb 4: It's trivia night! Are you smarter than an English major? version.
Feb 6: Involvement Expo. Come stop by Lory Student Ballroom 10am to 3pm to see what Inklings is all about.
Feb 11: Crafting night! We'll be collaborating on making a zine.
Feb 18: Pull a writing prompt out of a hat and write, write, write.
Feb 25: Guest Speaker TBA. Free pizza too!
Mar 4: Character Creation Death Battle. Get into groups to create a character and have them face off against others in a DnD-style match-up.
Mar 11: Die on this Hill. Create a presentation for an opinion you will defend till the bitter end.
Mar 25: Another crafting night...this time we'll be making bookmarks!
Apr 1: Creative Writing Workshop. Bring your fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry for others to read and provide feedback on.
Apr 8: Guest Speaker TBA. Pizza will be here!
Apr 15: Fanfiction night! The good, the bad, and the cringey, bring a fanfiction to share.
Apr 22: Write and pass it on...we'll start off with one sentence and each person will have 5 minutes to add to the story. Let's see what narrative unfolds!
Apr 29: End of semester celebration. Food and games to round off the end of the year!
May 6: Optional study session. Study with other folks or take a breather before finals.