Instructor of Linguistics and Composition
Find Me On:
- Instructor of Linguistics and Composition
- Linguistics (undergraduate)
- TEFL/TESL (graduate)
- English, English Grad, English Undergrad, and University Composition Program
- Doctor of Philosophy
Curriculum Vitae:
I am an instructor in Linguistics and Composition. My area of expertise is phonetics and phonology, focusing on experimental approaches to issues of first and second language speech production and perception. I am also interested in Romance linguistics, psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, and historical linguistics. Currently, I am interested in issues related to the transfer of L1 to L2 in second language phonology, and L2 composition issues. I primarily teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Linguistics and in the University Composition Program's Academic English course. I have an M.A. in Linguistics from University of São Paulo - Brazil and an M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Colorado at Boulder
MARQUES, L. (2024). The phonology of Portuguese nasal vowels. In: Zampaulo, A. (Ed) The handbook of Portuguese phonology. Routledge.
MARQUES, L, SCARBOROUGH. R (2020). Perceptual compensation of vowel nasality in Brazilian Portuguese. In: Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, v. 19 (1).
MARQUES, L, SCARBOROUGH. R (2017). Perception and acoustics of vowel nasality in Brazilian Portuguese. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2017. Stockholm, Sweden: University of Stockholm.
SCARBOROUGH. R, STYLER, W, MARQUES, L (2015). Coarticulation and contrast: neighborhood density conditioned phonetic variation in French. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow.
MARQUES, L.F. (2014). Variation in nasality between nasal and nasalized vowels in in Brazilian Portuguese: a pilot study. In: LL Journal, v.9:1. Available at:
MARQUES, L. F., DEMOLIN, D, VALLÉE, N. (2010). Structures syllabiques en portugais brésilien: une analyse typologique. Actes des 28èmes Journées d’Etudes sur la Parole, at Université de Mons, Mons, Belgium.
Conference presentations
MARQUES, L, SCARBOROUGH. R (2018). Perceptual Compensation of Vowel Nasality in Brazilian Portuguese. Poster presentation at LabPhon 16, Lisbon, Portugal.
MARQUES, L., SCARBOROUGH. R. (2017). Perception and acoustics of vowel nasality in Brazilian Portuguese. Poster presentation at Interspeech 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
MARQUES, L. (2016). Perception of nasal and nasalized vowels in Brazilian Portuguese. Poster presentation at the Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
SCARBOROUGH. R, STYLER, W, MARQUES, L (2015). Coarticulation and contrast: neighborhood density conditioned phonetic variation in French. Paper presentation at the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland.
MARQUES, L.F. (2015). A1-P0 como medida de nasalidade em PB - um estudo experimental. Paper presentation at the 63rd Seminário do Grupo de Estudos Lingüísticos do Estado de São Paulo, at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.
MARQUES, L.F. (2015). Lexical frequency effects on the low nasal vowel /ã/ in Brazilian Portuguese. Paper presentation at Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Spanish and Portuguese Department, at University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, USA.
MARQUES, L. F., DEMOLIN, D, VALLÉE, N. (2010). Structures syllabiques en portugais brésilien: une analyse typologique. Poster presentation at 28èmes Journées d’Etudes sur la Parole, at Université de Mons, Mons, Belgium.
MARQUES, L. F., DEMOLIN, D. (2008). Estrutura silábica do português do Brasil: uma análise na teoria Frame/Content (Syllable Structure in Brazilian Portuguese: a Frame/Content Analysis). Paper presentation at the 56th Seminário do Grupo de Estudos Lingüísticos do Estado de São Paulo, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil.
MARQUES, L. F., DEMOLIN, D. (2006). Relação entre Pressão Sub-glotal e Freqüência Fundamental (Sub-glotal pressure and fundamental frequency relationship). Paper presentation at IX Encontro de Alunos de Pós-graduação em Lingüística da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
MARQUES, L. F. (2004). Análise fonético-acústica da duração da lateral palatal no português brasileiro (phonetic-acoustic analysis of palatal lateral duration in Brazilian Portuguese). Paper presentation at the 12o Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
E328 – Phonology, Morphology and Lexis
CO130 – Academic Writing
E329 – Pragmatics and Discourse
E634 – Special Topics in TEFL/TESL
E515 – Syntax for ESL/EFL