Black History Month

As we kick off this month long celebration, we in the English department will focus in particular on the role of African Americans in literature. All month long, we’ll be featuring African American authors, as well as keeping you informed about […]

Black History Month

Video: Origins of Black History Month, “A brief look at the history of African Americans and Black History Month” from the History Channel. Black History Month, or National African American History Month, is an annual celebration of achievements by black […]

In Memory of John Pratt

In Spring 2016, English major Alexander (Alec) Pearson did an internship where he researched department history. He graduated at the end of that same semester, earning his Bachelor of Arts in English with a writing concentration. Alec collected and wrote […]

In Memory of John Pratt

In Spring 2016, English major Alexander (Alec) Pearson did an internship where he researched department history. He graduated at the end of that same semester, earning his Bachelor of Arts in English with a writing concentration. Alec collected and wrote […]