Acclaimed poet Camille Dungy, a University Distinguished Professor in Colorado State University’s Department of English, has received the Academy of American Poets Fellowship.
In the first week of September, the Gregory Allicar Museum of Art will welcome Dionne Lee for two programs accompanying the exhibition Dionne Lee: A Muscle Memory, presented in partnership with the Center for Fine Art Photography.
In a 2021 monthly series, we share stories that reflect our curiosity, ability to adapt, engagement with the community, and research and creative expertise. This month, we are focusing on knowledge and creative artistry.
Congratulations to our CSU faculty and alumna nominated in two Colorado Book Awards categories! Winners for the awards will be announced at a celebration event June 26, 2021. About the Awards Each year the Colorado Book Awards celebrate some of the most […]
After 13 wonderful years, the Department of English says goodbye to Senior Instructor Nancy Henke. Henke came to CSU in 2008 as a graduate student and graduate teaching assistant (GTA). After earning her MA in Literature, Henke stayed on as […]
After 23 years, the Department of English will be saying goodbye to Professor Debby Thompson. Dr. Thompson has taught courses in modern drama, literary criticism, and creative nonfiction. Her works centers on the problem of identity, which she has infused […]
Linda Randall and her husband, Gerald Hazelbauer, both professors emeriti of biochemistry at the University of Missouri, have given a $1M bequest, plus annual cash support to the English department via the Marty Bucco Award for Creative Teaching & Scholarship fund.