Current Graduate Course Offerings
Plan your class schedule
The accordion list below highlights the English department's course offerings for the coming semester. Click on course titles to expand their respective descriptions, and to help plan your immersion in the interdisciplinary study of language arts. Class times/instructors are subject to change.
Graduate Courses, Fall 2025
E501 Theories of Composition | 3 credits | 09:30 - 10:45 AM | TR | Lisa Langstraat
Theories of Composition is designed to introduce you to the most influential theories of writing in the field of Rhetoric and Composition and to examine the ways in which the politics of writing and social justice efforts shape those theories. In this section of E501 we will engage a multitude of theoretical approaches—from Current Traditional Rhetorics to Post-Process Composition and beyond. These approaches are by no means static. Sometimes complimentary, sometimes competing, they reflect the identity of a discipline—and its practitioners. To that end, it is my hope that we come to understand these theoretical frameworks in light of what it means to do theory as teacher/scholars of composition and to understand how a variety of compositionists work toward social justice—in and out of the classroom.
E505B – Major Authors: Vladimir Nabokov | 3 credits | 04:00 PM - 06:50 PM | R | Andrew Altschul
Over half a century, Vladimir Nabokov published nearly twenty novels, dozens of short stories, a collection of poems, an autobiography (and its revision), a biography of Gogol, and several volumes of essays and translations. Though he is often described as a great literary stylist, this downplays the profound influence Nabokov had over contemporary Western writers and the development of postmodernist literary technique. In this seminar we will read several of his novels, including early works written in Russian and later works written in English, as well as short stories, essays, and his memoir, "Speak, Memory!" (An important warning: We will read and discuss "Lolita," a novel that centers the point of view of a man who repeatedly rapes a child.) Primary texts will be supplemented by critical essays examining Nabokov’s work and influence. In addition to close readings and a presentation, students will have the choice for a final project of either a significant research paper or a creative work that explores the author’s obsessions and technique.
E513B – Form & Technique in Poetry | 3 credits | 04:00 - 06:50 PM | W | Sasha Steensen
Selected readings in and discussions of modern literature and criticism from the writer's point of view with emphasis on form and technique.
E514 Phonology/Morphology: ESL/EFL | 3 credits | 03:30 - 04:45 PM | TR | Gerry Delahunty
E514 introduces the descriptive study and linguistic analysis of English phonetics/phonology and morphology/word formation, and their connections to second language acquisition and teaching. You will be able to read and make use of linguistic descriptions of English and other languages, as well as appropriately select and present pedagogical material in a variety of teaching circumstances.
E526 Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language | 3 credits | 01:00 - 03:30 PM | M | Fabiola Ehlers-Zavala
This course offers participants the opportunity to learn about the principles of teaching English as a foreign/second language. The goal of this course is to guide participants in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to effectively design and implement language instruction for a diverse group of English language learners in a variety of EFL/ESL contexts. It is intended to ensure that pre-service and in-service teachers have a solid understanding of the terminology associated with ESL/EFL teaching and learning as a foundation to be able to apply theory to practice.
E600A Research Methods: Literary Scholarship | 3 credits | 01:00 - 03:30 PM | W | Zach Hutchins
In this class you will read and think about what graduate literary study entails in order to shape your identity as a scholar and a humanities professional. In addition, you will pursue a research project relevant to your individual interests—whether Shakespeare, Medieval poetry, modern science fiction or contemporary graphic novels. You will approach this research project in two ways—as a literary scholar and as a public humanities intellectual. In pursuit of the research project as a literary scholar, you will familiarize yourself with and practice writing genres common to the discipline of literary criticism, including footnotes, annotated bibliographies, book reviews, and conference abstracts. As a public humanist you will shape your research project into a community facing product of your choice; it could be a wikipedia page on a literary topic, video essay, podcast, magazine article, etc.
E607A Teaching Writing, Composition & Rhetoric | 3 credits | 12:30 - 01:45 PM | TR | Todd Ruecker
Addresses theoretical and applied understandings of reading and writing processes in the first-year college writing classroom; considers practical implications for professional practice in the teaching of writing; critically examines theory, disciplinary conventions, and policies in regard to writing pedagogy.
For first-year GTAs teaching CO 150. Contact department for registration.
E607B Teaching Writing: Creative Writing | 3 credits | 12:30 - 01:45 PM | TR | Dana Masden
E607B is designed to help MFA students become confident and prepared teachers of E210, Beginning College Creative Writing. E210, which explores craft and genre but is not bound by it, has the following goals: to help beginners gain experience in a writing community, build a sustainable writing practice, explore and practice creative critical literacy, learn to give and receive effective feedback, and develop an active and evolving writing identity. To best help our future students meet these objectives, in E607B, we will explore the science of learning, address important topics in creative writing pedagogy, and design lesson plans, assignments, and syllabi intended to meet the learning outcomes of E210.
MFA Creative Writing students only. Contact department for registration.
E608 Integrating Writing in the Academic Core | 1 credit | Multiple Meetings Times | TR | Kelly Bradbury
Theories and best practices associated with writing integration in the academic core.
E610 – Literature Program Colloquium | 1 credit | 02:00 - 02:50 PM | W | Philip Tsang
Organizational strategies for researching and writing a final project/thesis. Opportunities to address specific challenges in order to ensure high-quality work and a timely defense. Career opportunities and professionalization issues are addressed.
E630B – Special Topics in Literature: Genre Studies | 3 credits | 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM | TR | William Marvin
In the 9th and 10th centuries C.E., emigrants from Norway explored and colonized the North Atlantic. By the 13th century, stories of this frontier were recorded in Icelandic prose sagas. These have status in world literature and not just for their modern-seeming antiquity; the story-telling is as sterling as it is humane. We shall read the classics, to wit, the saga of Egil the Warrior Poet, the saga of the people of Laxdael, the saga of Burned-Njal, the saga of the Outlaw Gisli, and the sagas of Norse exploration in the New World. Brace yourself for intricate family-trees and feuding over property and honor. The Icelandic Republic was unique in medieval Europe, and so was its home- grown literature.
E633 – Special Topics in Writing and Rhetoric: Storytelling for Social Justice | 3 credits | 05:00 - 07:30 PM | M | Cindy O'Donnell-Allen
This course focuses on the rhetorical function of narratives in U.S. culture over time, as conceptually framed by Bell’s “Storytelling for Social Justice” model (2019). Students will critically examine and problematize widely-circulated, public-facing narratives across varied genres that address "justice," broadly defined (e.g., the American Dream), and will uncover and generate counter-narratives that center resistance and transformative social change. All programs welcome.
E634 – Special Topics in TEFL/TESL | 3 credits | 02:00 - 03:15 PM | TR | Tatiana Nekrasove-Beker
This course is primarily intended for graduate students who are training to become teachers of English (or other language) to the speakers of other languages. In their future careers, they are likely to initiate, participate in and supervise the development of new language courses, including the courses which will target discipline-specific content and language (e.g., engineering, business, agriculture). Students from other majors/ concentrations interested in ESP/ LSP curriculum development are welcome to join the course.
E635 – Critical Studies in Literature and Culture | 3 credits | 02:00 - 03:15 PM | TR | Lynn Badia
Advanced interpretation in contemporary literary and critical studies.
Full course description coming soon!
E637 – Histories of Writing and Rhetoric | 3 credits | 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM | TR | Sarah Cooper
This course provides students with a foundation for elaborating on key concepts and figures in the rhetorical tradition and connects modern rhetorical theory and practice. Students will develop expertise in the history of rhetoric and a vocabulary of key rhetorical terms. Collectively, students will build on skills to critically evaluate texts and other communicative mediums through various rhetorical lenses and develop an awareness of how media and culture shape rhetoric. Finally, we will investigate how rhetoric influences how we interpret and experience reality.
E638 – Assessment of English Language Learners | 3 credits | 01:00 - 03:30 PM | F | Anthony Becker
This course prepares language teaching professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to design, implement, and utilize language assessments that are reliable, valid, and ethically based. Specifically, the course familiarizes students with the fundamental concepts and principles involved in the language assessment of second/foreign language learners, and it engages students in the planning and construction of both traditional and alternative language assessments.
E640A Graduate Writing Workshop: Fiction | 3 credits | 04:00 - 06:50 PM | M | Nina McConigley
Individual projects with group discussion and analysis.
Maximum of 11 credits allowed in course.
E640B Graduate Writing Workshop: Poetry | 3 credits | 04:00 - 06:50 PM | M | Dan Beachy-Quick
Individual projects with group discussion and analysis.
Maximum of 11 credits allowed in course.
E640C Graduate Writing Workshop: Essay | 3 credits | 04:00 - 06:50 PM | T | Sarah Perry
Individual projects with group discussion and analysis.
Maximum of 11 credits allowed in course.
E684A - Supervised College Teaching (Composition) | 1 - 5 credits | 12:00 - 12:50 PM | W | Todd Ruecker
All Composition Program GTAs participate in the Professional Internship in English (PIE), which includes the writing theory and practice course (E607A), ongoing professional development, small group discussions and mentorship, course observations, and colloquia designed to help you learn about the field of composition and rhetoric, including research on teaching writing at the collegiate level, rhetorical theory and application, and pedagogical approaches for writing instruction.
E687C Literary Editing | 1 - 5 credits | Stephanie G'Schwind
The Center for Literary Publishing offers graduate students in the English Department at Colorado State University the opportunity to assist in the operations of a small literary press.
Each year the Center publishes three issues of the nationally recognized literary journal Colorado Review and two or three single-author collections of poetry. The Center also runs the Colorado Prize for Poetry and the Mountain/West Poetry Series.
Interns serve as readers for thousands of submissions of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction the Center receives every academic year. Interns also have opportunities to copyedit, proofread, and typeset manuscripts; learn about book design and production; help with fundraising and grantwriting; write book reviews; interview writers; and get involved in social media and marketing campaigns. The internship provides an excellent opportunity to develop professional skills while working toward a degree.
Graduate students may register for 1 to 5 internship credits. The expectation (per department guidelines) is that during the semester each intern will work 40 hours for each registered credit, which works out to 3 hours a week for one credit, 6 for two credits, 9 for three credits, and so on. Interns must maintain regularly scheduled office hours. Occasionally, however, there are special projects that require extra time, so a certain amount of flexibility is expected.
If you are a graduate student in the English Department at CSU and are interested in pursuing an internship at the Center for Literary Publishing, contact Stephanie G’Schwind, director and editor, to find out if space is available. If you have any questions about the internship, please contact Stephanie G’Schwind.
E692 Seminar in Writing, Rhetoric, and Social Change | 1 credit | 04:00 - 06:50PM | M | Instructor TBA
This is a one-credit course required of all WRSC MA students in both their first and second years in our program.
We encourage a relaxed, yet professional, atmosphere in the Colloquium because we believe that conversation about our field and the many roles we assume as rhetoric and composition teacher-scholars is vital for developing our disciplinary identities.
E692 is designed to:
- build community and professional relationships among WRSC students and faculty, particularly since not all faculty and students will have coursework together in students’ first year at CSU;
- provide formal opportunities for faculty (at CSU and beyond) and students to share their research interests and experiences; and
- discuss contemporary issues and trends in our field from multiple perspectives.