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Date(s) - February 5, 2020
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Room 105, Eddy Hall

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Ross Atkinson writing in workshop
Ross Atkinson writes a piece for the Veterans Writing Workshop

The Veterans Writing Workshop welcomes military members and affiliates to make their voices heard by submitting works of creative writing during weekly sessions or online.

Submissions will be compiled into an annual literary journal titled Charlie Mike, to be published by the College of Liberal arts and the Department of English at Colorado State University.

The judgement-free sessions welcome active military, veterans, military families and affiliates to write about any subject matter, and, while most submissions reflect on military experiences, prompts are not restricted to military subject matter.

Participating writers can submit at the weekly meetings. Alternatively, view prompts online and submit using the digital form on the workshop webpage english.colostate.edu/charliemike.